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Skantag® Property Management

Skantag® provides a comprehensive, digital platform for full property management. Our platform gives full traceability with the tools to manage documents, compliance regulations, audits and site inspections. This capability enables an overview of your properties and facilitates management of all your data stored in one place.

Register your interest!

With the use of digital product passport you can scan the QR code to access the platform and view all important and valuable data.

The Platform Your Benefits

Service Information

Real Time Reporting

Site Management

Real Time Reporting

Compliance Management

Reduce Servicing Time

Manage Multiple Units 

User- Friendly Platform

Strategic Location 

Service Management

All In One Platform


Property Facility Management 

Improve  your workplace performance and ensure efficient by facility management and maintenance service.

Time Saving Technology

Time saving maintenance capabilities allow for the entire process to be managed digitally in one place this reduces administrative workloads.

Accurate Reporting

With easier access to data and key performance indicators you can allocate resources in a more efficient manner.

Tenant/Third Party

  • Add QR tags to access appliance instructions

  • Fault reporting direct to the owners dashboard 


System Design-Customer For   


Service Engineers

  • Each discipline has its own QR tag which the engineers scan

  • Enables report uploading 

  • Access to service history 

  • Reduces service time, document to hand 


  • Fire escapes route

  • Emergency information

  • Site information 

  • Health and Safety 

  • Registration



  • The page are customised to your company 

  • A system set up to deliver the information you and your customers want and need.

  • Links to manuals and user guides 

  • Installer details.

  • Service history

  • Some or all details can be password-protected

Empower Growth

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